A Sustainable Future for African Education
Kagiso Trust in partnership with the University of Johannesburg, Faculty of Education, invites you to join us for Education Conversations – celebrating Africa Day, where topics around
creating a sustainable future for African education will be discussed.
Official Hashtag: #EducationConversations #AfricaDay
Official Accounts: Facebook: Kagiso Trust; University of Johannesburg
Twitter: @Kagiso_Trust; @EduFacultyUJ; @YassimKat
Click here to reserve your place.
14:00 Welcome and Introduction – Prof Chinaza Uleanya
14:10 Audience Participation (Mentimeter etc.)
14:20 Phuti Ragophala (Techno Granny) – Education for Sustainable Futures
14:40 Sharing audience participation/feedback
15:00 Brightness Mangolothi – Leading Education for Sustainability and Inclusive Growth (including female participation in Education)
15:20 Dr B. Stiehler-Mulder – Education, Entrepreneurship, and the World of Work
15:40 Q&A/Break
15:50 Vote of Thanks/Conclusion – Mandisa Tselane
Facilitator and Speaker Bio’s
Prof Kat Yassim
Prof Kat Yassim is the facilitator of the Education Conversations as she is invested in the education space, and her work is focused on related areas. Prof. Yassim teaches postgraduate education leadership programmes and coordinates the online masters in education leadership and Management Programme. Her research interests include leading Education for 21st-century skills development and cultivating future fit and innovative leadership in South African schools. She leads the school culture stream projects for the Sandbox in partnership with the NECT.
Phuthi “Techno Granny” Ragophala
Phuti Ragophala, is a 2023 Presidential Order of Baobab recipient, Top 50 Global Teacher Prize finalist, multi-award winner, and former principal of Pula Madibogo Primary School in Mankweng Polokwane Limpopo Province in South Africa. Ragophala served in the education department for over 34 years as a teacher and later as a principal.
The University of Johannesburg appointed Ragophala as a Teaching Associate and Creative coding facilitator in 2019 under Education. Ragophala is a Microsoft Innovative Educator fellow facilitating ICT training sessions for global educators through webinars. Ragophala is currently at Zibuza.net, mentoring teachers on incorporating technology tools and applications in teaching and learning to add more fun, flair and value to Education.
Download the presentation here.
Brightness Mangolothi
Brightness Mangolothi is a Director at HERS-SA. A Higher Education Women’s Leadership Development and Advocacy NGO. A former Lecturer and Head of Department at Nelson Mandela University and Head of Programme at IIE, AdvTech. She has lectured and supervised postgraduate students at public and private universities. A co-editor of a book titled “Women’s Empowerment for a Sustainable Future: Transcultural and Positive Psychology Perspectives”. Her recent doctoral study article is titled: Workplace Bullying and Its Implications for Gender Transformation in the South African Higher Education Sector.
Download the presentation here.
Dr Beate Stiehler-Mulder
Dr Beate Stiehler-Mulder is a Senior lecturer, Marketing and Retail Specialist, and Researcher and Marketing Coordinator for the UJ Department of Marketing Management. She teaches Digital Marketing (undergrad and Honours level) and Strategic Marketing. Dr Stiehler-Mulder holds a PhD in Industrial Economics and Management from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden. She is also a Certified Digital Marketing Professional. As the current W&R SETA Chair: Gauteng, she aims to provide a platform that develops critical thinkers and problem-solvers in the Retail industry, to conduct relevant retail and consumer research, and launch innovative education and work-based learning experiences – all in the spirit of advancing and professionalising the wholesale and retail industry in South Africa.
Download the presentation here.