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Deployment of the TVWS Broadband Network for KT Education Project in the Sekhukhune East Education District



The Kagiso Trust (KT) and The CSIR invite Expression of Interest (EoI) from SMMEs owned by youths (100%) up to 35 years of age , with preference but not pre-requisite to those owned by women (50% or more) and persons with disabilities (50% or more) as an added advantage., in response to this call focusing on innovative use of Television White Spaces (TVWS) and Wi-Fi network technologies that will lead to an improvement of quality of service delivery in the education sector, competitive telecommunications sector, bridging of digital divide and creation of job opportunities in Sekhukhune within Tubatse and Fetakgomo municipalities , Limpopo province.


The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has entered into a partnership agreement with the KT and AdNotes Pty Ltd for the implementation of a project titled “Deployment of Television White Space (TVWS) Broadband Network for KT Education Project”, on behalf of and in schools supported by KT.

The project entails deploying a broadband network infrastructure to connect 26 schools in selected communities in the Sekhukhune East Education District, Limpopo province. Additionally, 7 public W-Fi hotspots will be deployed across 7 circuits in Sekhukhune to provide high-quality broadband Internet services to beneficiary communities. This initiative is fully funded by Kagiso Trust, while the CSIR will use its TVWS technology and expertise in the implementation of this initiative. AdNotes (Pty) Ltd, being a CSIR’s TVWS technology champion, will perform network installation, configuration, and post network installation support in the selected beneficiary communities.

This call for EoI is therefore meant to select a beneficiary ICT-focused SMME, owned by youth, (women or persons with disability) that will be the local champion to operate the installed TVWS broadband network infrastructure in selected areas of Sekhukhune providing Internet services to the beneficiary schools and communities. The selected beneficiary SMME is expected to be capable of running the network infrastructure sustainably and profitably in the long run.

This project will also contribute to the government’s District Development Model (DDM) initiative, with an objective to support rural-urban linkages, with a deliberate emphasis on Local Economic Development (LED); ensure sustainable development whilst accelerating initiatives to promote poverty eradication, employment and equality; deliver Integrated Services whilst strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation and impact at district and local levels; as well as maximising impact and aligning resources. Special consideration will be given to an SMME that will show willingness to serve in the Sekhukhune District Municipality in the Limpopo province.


To apply, please submit the following documents:

  • Company profile;
  • Brief project plan;
  • Valid tax clearance certificate;
  • Copy of network service license(s) from ICASA;
  • B-BBEE certificate/affidavit;
  • Copy of company registration document with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) with a clear proof indicating ownership;
  • Municipality rates account; and
  • Bank letter.


Application must be submitted as a single continuous file in a PDF format, please use the following naming convention for attached documents:

Submission PDF File Name:

Documents to be Combined as a Single Continuous PDF File (The PDF file size must not exceed 7 MB)

“Name of SMME_EOI- June 2024”

(i) Company profile, (ii) Brief project plan, (iii) Tax clearance certificate, (iv) B-BBEE certificate/affidavit (v) Copy of company registration document with a clear proof indicating ownership (vi) Copy of network service license(s) from ICASA (vii) Municipality rates account (viii) Bank letter and (ix) Previous and/or current related or somewhat similar services and work.


All submissions must be sent to the following email address:;


  1. SMME must be registered with CIPC with a clear proof indicating ownership and active (i.e. not deregistered).
  2. SMME must be registered with CIPC with a clear proof indicating ownership and active (i.e. not deregistered).
  3. SMME must be licensed by ICASA to provide wireless network services with at least 6 months experience in this regard or a demonstrated experience in providing equivalent ICT network connectivity services.
  4. SMME must demonstrate willingness to provide services in remote, hard-to-reach rural and township areas and should have knowledge of local communities for the selected geo-location and municipality where the network will be deployed, evidence of existing relationship and links with respective local communities to be served must be demonstrated. Priority will be given to applicants residing/or have a presence in the respective communities or municipalities where the network infrastructure will be installed, and within the province.
  5. Demonstrate evidence and ability to work with or get support from existing telecommunications support service providers or original equipment manufacturers or vendors.
  6. Understand the ICASA TVWS regulations 2018, and the CSIR spectrum innovation technologies.
  7. Have a valid B-BBEE certification (affidavit will be accepted if it was certified no more than 3 months at the time of submission).
  8. Be able to present a brief project plan to own and operate a rural/or township based wireless network infrastructure as a small business in a respective targeted community detailing the following: public facilities such as schools, public libraries, digital and innovation hubs/or centres, clinics, public hotspots areas and residential areas to be served.


Closing date for applications is Friday, 21 June 2024 at 23:59 SAST.


  • Applications not accompanied by any of the required submission documents listed under Section 3 of this call will be excluded.
  • Applications not submitted as a single continuous file in a PDF format or submitted in a different file format will be excluded.
  • Multiple submissions by the same applicant(s) will be excluded.
  • Applications with different file names other than the one prescribed under Section 4 of this call will be excluded.
  • Applications from SMMEs whose ownership status is not majority controlled by any of thefollowing targeted groups: youths up to 35 years of age (100%) will be excluded.
  • Applications sent to any e-mail address other than: as prescribed in Section 5 of this call will be excluded; and
  • Submissions received after the closing date (Friday, 21, June 2024 at 23:59 SAST) will not be considered


  • Shortlisted applicants may be invited for a more detailed interview and undergo credit rating checks to determine their eligibility for the programme;
  • If you do not hear from us within one month after the closing of submissions for this call, consider your application unsuccessful; and
  • Successful applicants will be required to enter into a grant agreement with Kagiso Trust and will be expected to report on any jobs created, as well as communities and public facilities connected during the process. Evidence of both jobs created, communities and public facilities connected will be required, and the format will be established during contracting


For more information, please contact, Prof Luzango Mfupe


Organisations submitting an EoI assume all risks for resource commitment and expenses, direct or indirect, of proposal preparation and participation throughout the EoI process. The CSIR is not responsible directly or indirectly for any costs incurred by the organisation.


  • Extend the closing date;
  • Request documentary evidence regarding any issue;
  • Appoint one or more entities, separately or jointly (whether or not they submitted a joint EoI);
  • Award this EoI as a whole or in part, or not at all; and
  • Cancel or withdraw this EoI as a whole or in part.


The Kagiso Trust and the CSIR have produced this EoI in good faith. However, the Kagiso Trust and the CSIR, their agents and employees do not warrant its accuracy or completeness. To the extent that the Kagiso Trust and the CSIR are permitted by law, the two organisations will not be liable for any claim whatsoever and howsoever arising (including, without limitation, any claim in contract, negligence or otherwise) for any incorrect or misleading information contained in this EoI due to any misinterpretation of this EoI.

This EoI is a request for expressions of interest only and is not an offer document; answers to it must not be construed as acceptance of an offer or imply the existence of a Contract between the parties. By submission of its information, organisations responding to the EoI shall be deemed to have satisfied themselves with and to have accepted all Terms & Conditions of this EoI. The Kagiso Trust and the CSIR make no representation, warranty, assurance, guarantee or endorsement to any party concerning the EoI, whether with regards to its accuracy, completeness or otherwise and the CSIR shall have no liability towards any party in connection therewith.

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