The EMSP was established in 2007 for learners from the rural and/or disadvantaged schools affiliated with the Trust’s Beyers Naude Schools Development Programme. We looked at fields of study and work that lacked the participation of young black professionals in the market, and these opportunities were found within the engineering and commerce sectors.
Having focused on these sectors for 10 years, the EMSP will expand into other sectors going forward. We seek to grapple with opportunities and threats that the Fourth Industrial Revolution has presented and encourage a network of young people into whose hands we can, with confidence, entrust our future.
The EMSP has always aimed to create a viable, vibrant network of young leaders. The programme has been supporting learners as they advance their education with the end goal of assisting bright young South Africans to become promising businessmen and -women who go on to have a positive impact on their communities by becoming agents of change and breaking the cycle of generational poverty. To date the programme has invested over R160 million and over 140 students have gone through the programme.