Kagiso Trust in partnership with the Agricultural Development Agency (AGDA) are inviting you to the Farmer Aggregator Roundtable which aims to explore and enhance the aggregator model. This is to garner knowledge that will be crucial for supporting emerging small-scale farmers in our community. The socio-economic development unit at Kagiso Trust is committed to implementing this model to provide farmers with access to markets, finance, and technical guidance. The roundtable will serve as a platform for knowledge exchange, sharing diverse experiences, and building a comprehensive database of farmer aggregators in South Africa.
Official Hashtag: #FarmerAggregator
Official Accounts: Facebook: Kagiso Trust Twitter: @Kagiso_Trust
You are invited to join the roundtable physically or virtually by clicking the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_IyAbr3QGSeOyBST9AZZFzg#/registration to be directed to the live stream on Zoom.
Farmers Aggregator copy
For more information contact: info@kagiso.co.za