Our Programmes

Free State’s sustained academic performance

Kagiso Shanduka Trust encouraged by sustained academic performance in the Free State The partnership between Kagiso Shanduka Trust (KST) and the Department of Education in the Free State has begun to show positive outcomes as demonstrated by the class of 2017 Matric results in the Fezile Dabi and Motheo districts.…

Partnerships and collaboration in education

Partnerships and collaboration that enhance the quality of education in rural schools Interview with Sizakele Mphatsoe, Education Development Programme Manager, Kagiso Trust [bctt tweet=”Partnerships are important if we are to heed greater impact” username=”Kagiso_Trust”] Why did Kagiso Trust (KT) decide to focus on the full education pipeline (from ECD to…

Financial and asset management sector

South African financial and asset management sector remains untransformed The financial investment and asset management sector remains largely untransformed how can the sector be more inclusive particularly for women? Despite the lengthy period of 23 years since democracy, black-owned asset management firms still manage less than 5% of the ZAR8.9trillion…

Financial sustainability for Kagiso Trust

Financial sustainability remains critical for Kagiso Trust Interview with Silindokuhle Chamane, Kagiso Trust Head of Finance: How has Kagiso Trust managed to be self-sustainable after the 1994 funding from European Union and Japanese government was redirected? Between 1986 and 1993 the European Union was Kagiso Trust’s (KT’s – Trust) largest…

Improving service delivery

Kagiso Trust develops tool to improve service delivery The Kagiso Trust has unveiled a web-based tool that can help municipalities improve service delivery. Paul Smith, Local Government Support at Kagiso Trust, said the Kagiso Data Optimisation System (K’DOS), helps municipalities validate their customer data and improve billing accuracy. Smith said…

The Role of ECD

The Role of ECD in Realising the Schooling 2030 Vision Our country continues to be one of the most unequal societies in the world, with poverty and lack of resources still at the forefront creating serious obstacles for many of the country’s most vulnerable citizens. Early Childhood Development (ECD) has…

Financial Sustainability For Sustainable Development

Financial Sustainability For Sustainable Development It is not unusual to come across the mention of ‘poverty’ and ‘Africa’ in the same sentence.  This association of Africa as the poverty-stricken continent is one which is being fiercely contested. Africa will become a prosperous continent, according to the African Union’s Agenda 2063,…