Financial Sustainability

Early on in Kagiso Trust’s (KT) journey, it became clear that in order to continue serving underprivileged South Africans we would need to find mechanisms to ensure the organisation’s sustainability.

Key to this was the decision to become self-sustainable rather than direct efforts to seeking funders.

After 1994, Kagiso Trust’s directors and trustees at the time identified an opportunity to participate in Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) deals, which were fast becoming a necessity for the predominantly untransformed business sector. Kagiso Trust Investments, now Kagiso Tiso Holdings (KTH), was founded with the objective of pursuing investment opportunities and participating in the BEE share ownership deals so that the dividends received would finance KT’s development work in order to continue empowering disadvantaged communities.

Kagiso Trust now has a number of investments that enable us to continue our development work in rural and disadvantaged communities. Being self-sustainable has also provided us leverage to partner with other organisations and entities.

We know that financial sustainability is fundamental for delivery of our programmes and we have embarked on several investment and fundraising campaigns.

  • Self-funding entity: Grown own assets exponentially, which allows us the independence to scope and deliver a variety of impactful programmes
  • Partnership and co-funding: Funding and implementation partnerships are expected to help expand KT’s reach in the delivery of our programmes
  • Prudent financial management: Effective financial management in how the organisation is structured and programmes are delivered – careful management of our own, and partners’ money spent
Our Investments

Kagiso Capital (Pty) Ltd (KC) is an investment holding company wholly owned by Kagiso Trust (KT). The primary purpose of KC is to ensure the longevity of KT and to diversify the investment asset base of KT. KC currently has the following three investments:

Kagiso Trust currently has a direct shareholding in the following companies:
