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Why Local Governance Matters?

Effective local governance is the cornerstone of thriving communities. This research aimed to uncover the key attributes driving success in top-performing municipalities, providing a blueprint for excellence. The insights gained are integral to shaping interventions within Kagiso Trust’s Local Governance Support Programme, ensuring tailored support that addresses specific challenges.

Collaborative Governance Model

At the core of the Local Government Support Programme lies the Collaborative Governance Model,
designed to catalyse transformative change within municipalities across South Africa. The Collaboration Model aims to facilitate radical collaboration between the municipality and its community towards local socio-economic development.

#RadicalCollaboration Twitter Spaces: The Importance of Active Citizenship

‘The Importance of Active Citizenship in South Africa’ is the first Twitter discussion in the Kagiso Trust’s #RadicalCollboration local governance campaign series. The #RadicalCollaboration #PowerOfTheCircle Campaign aims to drive meaningful discussions and encourage the public to become active participants in addressing the challenges faced by municipalities nationwide.  

#RadicalCollaboration X Spaces: Active Citizenry and Ageing Infrastructure

‘Active Citizenry and Ageing Infrastructure’ is the second Twitter now X discussion in the Kagiso Trust’s #RadicalCollboration local governance campaign series. The #RadicalCollaboration #PowerOfTheCircle Campaign aims to drive meaningful discussions and encourage the public to become active participants in addressing the challenges faced by municipalities nationwide.

Twitter (X) Spaces: The Impact of Coalition Governments on Service Delivery

#RadicalCollaboration #PowerOfTheCircle The third and timely thought provoking X (Twitter) Space on ‘thought-provoking dialogue session on ‘The Impact of Coalition Governments on Service Delivery’ will be the last discussion of the local governance campaign. Please join us on X (Twitter) Spaces as we explore the necessity of insulating bureaucracy from political interference, particularly in a multi-party […]