In Brief Dec 2023

ENABLING COMMUNITIES Seasons greetings during this joyous season as we reflect on collective achievements and milestones at Kagiso Trust, marked by tremendous growth and impact in youth development, community upliftment, and empowerment. Expressing gratitude to stakeholders for their vital support in driving positive change and sustainable development, may we continue working together to reach new […]
In Brief: Special Edition

LOCAL GOVERNANCE CAMPAIGN: #GETINVOLVED The Kagiso Trust Local Governance Campaign aimed to educate and empower individuals and communities on how to actively participate in local government. Together, as citizens when we are involved and informed about the essential elements of good governance, the roles, responsibilities, and accountability that lie within each of us, we can […]
In Brief June 2023

ACTIVE CITIZENRY – PARTICIPATION BEYOND THE PUBLIC DOMAIN Kagiso Trust believes that we, the people, as individuals, civil society and private businesses, will have to exercise our democratic rights and get actively involved in national and local governance. Our Constitution has enshrined within it our right, as citizens, to participate actively and meaningfully in governance […]
In Brief March 2023

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In Brief Dec 2022

All this is to say that development space is under enormous pressure to be leading from the front and carrying the torch on society’s behalf. However, the responsibility for effecting development and change cannot be carried by development organisations alone. We, as citizens and communities, of all shapes and forms need to rally together and […]
In Brief June 2022

It Takes a Village The pandemic has taught us that there is scope for more innovation and development in education and that there needs to be a greater agility in dealing with the existing challenges and issues. Now, post pandemic, we need to apply new ways in looking at problems and develop solutions working together […]
In Brief December 2021

We come to the end of another year of profound change in the era of COVID-19. The pandemic has and continues to impact our lives in ways we are still grappling with. Basic education in South Africa being one of the most seriously impacted. A recent UNICEF article states “The impact of disrupted education since […]
In Brief July 2021

KT KEEPS ON KEEPING ON THROUGH COVID-19 KT is successfully continuing to navigate through these turbulent times and deliver real value and assistance to those who need it most. We’re now well into the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic and facing a third wave of infection. Whilst this most recent wave of infections appears […]
In Brief December 2020

COMMUNITY RESILIENCE IN COVID-19 As we come to the end of a year in which we as a country and a planet have had to face the unprecedented challenges forced upon us by COVID-19, this is the perfect time for us to reflect, recharge and reset. [flipbook pdf=””]
In Brief July 2020

THE POWER OF WORKING TOGETHER BY BEING APART Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures. These times are calling for us to work together by being apart for the sake of the all. ‘Out of chaos comes order’ and ‘this too shall pass’ are two truisms we all need to keep firmly in mind during this time.