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As part of our 30th celebrations we honoured the Archbishop Desmond Tutu, by launching the “Odes to Arch” campaign. This campaign asked South Africans to share their thoughts about the Arch and how he has inspired their lives by sending their views through our social media and website platforms. We collected these insights in a beautifully designed and specially published book that was presented to the Arch.


“Odes To Arch” was published by Kagiso Trust in January 2016 from contributions from the public at large who shared how Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu has had touched their lives. This campaign was known as the #OdeToArch campaign.

During the 2015/2016 financial year we celebrated our 30th anniversary during a campaign titled “Pearls of Wisdom”. During this time, we shared the insights, knowledge and wisdom we had gained over the last 30 years with our key stakeholders via external and internal communication platforms.